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  1. Provider information

The provider of the website and the pages in the social networks LinkedIn and Instagram that can be accessed via this website is:

QIVIVE Rechtsanwalts GmbH

Head office:

Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 71
50668 Cologne

Tel.: +49 (02 21) 1 39 96 96-0
Fax: +49 (02 21) 1 39 96 96-69

Managing Director: Dr. Christophe Kühl
Business Registration Number: HRB 74204 Cologne
VAT no.: DE 815 338 387 | FR 76803244573

Branch offices:
50 avenue Marceau, F-75008 Paris
21 rue d'Algérie, F-69001 Lyon

  1. Professional registration and supervisory authority


The following employees of QIVIVE are admitted as "Rechtsanwälte" and "Rechtsanwältinnen" in the Federal Republic of Germany:

Dr. Christophe Kühl, Gordian Deger, Anne Brion, Fabian Neugebauer, Laure-Amandine Trésarrieu, Jeanne Faymonville, Dr. Christine Beneke, Dr. Christiane Lenz, Mélanie Allemand, Jan Westhues, Audrey Bouffil, Marie-Theres Alfitian-Ahrens, Margarete Gutkès, Tobias Brünker als “Rechtsanwälte” and Emilie Wider, Bérénice Alisch, Béatrice-Anne Kintzinger, Edith Aupetit, Emilie Vienne, Thomas Decara, Anne Briswalter, Laurie del Fabbro-Adam as European lawyers practicing in Germany.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the "Rechtsanwälte" and "Rechtsanwältinnen" of QIVIVE are registered with the bar association of Cologne, which is their supervisory authoritiy:

Rechtsanwaltskammer Köln (bar association of Cologne)
Riehler Straße 30
D-50668 Cologne
Tel.: +49 (02 21) 9 73 01 00
Fax: +49 (02 21) 97 30 10 50


The following employees of QIVIVE are admitted as "Avocats" in the French Republic and registered with the bar association of Paris, which is their supervisory authoritiy:

Dr. Christophe Kühl, Emilie Wider, Laure-Amandine Trésarrieu, Anne Brion, Bérénice Alisch, Edith Aupetit, Jeanne Faymonville, Emilie Vienne, Béatrice-Anne Kintzinger, Mélanie Allemand, Thomas Decara, Julie Spinola, Anne Briswalter, Laurie del Fabbro-Adam, Anne-Katharina Albrand, Nina Sadoune, Caroline Reneaume.

Ordre des Avocats de Paris
11 place Dauphine
F-75001 Paris
Tel.: +33 1 80 27 19 20

The following employees of QIVIVE are admitted as "Avocats" in the French Republic and registered with the bar association of Lyon, which is their supervisory authoritiy:

Marie Marchi, Madeleine Bénistan.

Ordre des Avocats de Lyon
176 rue de Créqui
F-69484 Lyon (cedex 03)
Tel. : +33 4 72 60 60 00

  1. Professional regulations


The following professional regulations apply in particular to the "Rechtsanwälte" and "Rechtsanwältinnen" of QIVIVE:

  • BRAO - Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung: German federal code governing the legal profession
  • BORA - Bundesordnung für Rechtsanwälte, rules of ethical conduct for German lawyers
  • BRAGO - Bundesgebührenordnung für Rechtsanwälte, federal scale of fees for "Rechtsanwälte"
  • RVG – Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz, German law on the remuneration of lawyers
  • Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union (CCBE)
  • EURAG - Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland vom 09.03.2002 (Bundesgesetzblatt I Seite 182), German law governing the activities of European lawyers in Germany dated 09.03.2002 (published in the Official Journal (Germany), vol. I, page 182)

These professional regulations can be consulted on the website of the Federal Bar Association at


The following professional regulations apply to the "Avocats" of QIVIVE, who are registered with the Paris Bar Association:

  • RIPB - Règlement Intérieur du Barreau de Paris (rules of the Paris Bar Association)
  • Décret n° 2005-790 du 12 juillet 2005 relatif aux règles de déontologie de la profession d'avocat (French decree No. 2005-790 of 12 July 2005 on the rules of ethics of the legal profession)
  • Décret n°91-1197 du 27 novembre 1991 organisant la profession d'avocat (French Decree No. 91-1197 of 27 November 1991 organizing the legal profession)
  • Loi n° 71-130 du 31 décembre 1971 portant réforme de certaines professions judiciaires et juridiques (French Act No. 71-130 of 31 December 1971 on the reform of certain judicial and legal professions)
  • Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union (CCBE)

These professional regulations can be consulted on the website of the Paris Bar Association at

  1. Professional civil liability insurances


The "Rechtsanwälte" and "Rechtsanwältinnen" of QIVIVE maintain the necessary professional civil liability insurance with ZURICH INSURANCE PLC, branch office for Germany, D-53287Bonn. The scope of insurance coverage comprises services relating to legal advice and activities with regard to European laws as well as representation in European courts. It complies with the requirements of § 51 Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO, German Federal Code for the Legal Profession).


The "Avocats" of QIVIVE maintain the necessary professional civil liability insurance with the MMA IARD ASSURANCES MUTUELLES, 14 Boulevard Marie et Alexandre Oyon, F-72030 Le Mans Cedex 9. Territorial scope of application: France

  1. Online Dispute Resolution and settlement of disputes between consumers and traders

The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform available at In Germany, the dispute settlement body Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft, Rauchstraße 26, D-10787 Berlin is responsible for all pecuniary disputes arising from the mandate relationship between the lawyer and the client.

  1. Person responsible for editorial contents

Responsible for the editorial content of the website and the pages accessible via this website in the social networks LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram:

Dr. Christophe Kühl
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 71
D-50668 Cologne

Tel.: +49 (02 21) 1 39 96 96-0
Fax: +49 (02 21) 1 39 96 96-69

  1. Liability for content and copyright

The content of this website is protected by copyright.

The content available on the website and the content accessible via this website in social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram does not, under any circumstances, constitute a legal consultation. Any liability in connection with the use of content on the website and the content in the social networks accessible via this website or the trust in its accuracy is excluded.

  1. Concept and design: jäger & jäger,
  2. Programming: Adventure7,
  3. Portrait photography: Rui Camilo,

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