Beate Ostheimer
Beate Ostheimer
Office Managerin Paris
Bachelor International Executive Assistant
Languages: German, French,
English, Hungarian
T +33 (0) 1 81 51 65 58
T +49 (0) 221 139 96 96 0
Since I was a child, I've moved between Germany, France and Hungary, with my family scattered all over the world. My heart beats for Europe – a community that thrives on diversity! By nature, I need to surround myself with people from different cultures and countries. Today, I offer my support to our Franco-German legal team in organizing the Paris offices in a pleasant and functional setting so that they can carry out their tasks in the best possible way.
- 1990 Studied French in Paris
- 1990 - 1993 Studied to become an International Executive Assistant (English, Spanish, German, French) at the Academy of Business Administration and World Trade Languages in Stuttgart
- 1993 Examination in Business English at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in London
- 1994 - 1996 Trilingual Sales Assistant at Chemol France in Paris
- 1996 - 2009 Sales Assistant and Office Manager at Axalta in France
- 2005 Training as a Quality Systems Auditor at Cegos in France
- 2009 - 2021 Sales Executive Assistant at Axalta in France and training as a Project Manager (Green Belt 6 Sigma)
- 2022 - 2023 Support for European Marketing Management and Marketing Project Manager at Axalta in France
- 2024 Joined law firm Qivive
- Office Management in Paris